Clark County, Ohio

History and Genealogy

Extinction of the Indian Title

From The History of Clark County, Ohio
Chicago: W.H. Beers & Co., 1881 - Page 233

As closely allied to the foregoing article, the transfer of the lands of the Indian to his civilized successor, the white man, calls attention.

The treaty of Fort McIntosh January 21, 1785, was conducted by Gen. George Rogers Clark, Richard Butler and Arthur Lee, commissioners for the United States. The tribes represented were the Wyandots, Delawares, Ottawas and Chippewas, these inhabiting the extreme northern portions of the State west of the Cuyahoga River. The boundaries of the lands relinquished by this treaty, are variously stated by writers. From Monette's "History of the Mississippi Valley," it is learned that the line began "at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River, thence up the east bank of said river, to its lake source; thence across to the source of the Tuscarawas, and down that stream to its junction with Wolhonding Creek (near the town of Coshocton), thence in a direct line south of west, to the mouth of Mad River, thence up the Great Miami River to the portage across to the St. Mary's, or main branch of the Maumee, thence with said river to Lake Erie, and along its south shore to the place of beginning." If this be correct, the line from Coshocton to the mouth of Mad River would enter Clark County at about the same point on its eastern boundary that the National road does, and would leave the county at another point on the southern boundary, near the southeast corner of Section 5, Town 3, Range 8, which is also a county corner. The other description of these boundaries is the same except the line above mentioned, which runs directly from Coshocton to "Loramie's," an old trading-post and military station in the northwest part of Shelby County, this line would pass far north of Clark County. It matters little, except for the sake of truthful details, whether all the lands of this county was ceded to the United States by the treaty of Fort McIntosh or not, for on the 31st day of January of the next year, 1786, the treaty of the Great Miami was concluded with the chiefs, warriors and head men of the Shawnees. The United States Government was represented by Gen. George Rogers Clark, Col. Richard Butler and Samuel H. Parsons. The conference was held at the mouth of the Great Miami River.

By this treaty the General Government acquired all the lands in Ohio, east of the Great Miami, and south of a line running west from the confluence of Mad River and the Great Miami (Dayton).

As is the case to-day, these treaties did not prove final with the Indians, until they had been soundly threshed by Gen. Wayne in 1793 and 1794. This again brought them to proper terms, and, on the 3d day of August, 1795, Gen. Anthony Wayne, as Commissioner for the United States, concluded a treaty at Fort Greenville in Darke County.

This was an important epoch in the history of the Indian wars upon the Ohio region, and closes the long series of hostilities which had been kept up against the Western frontier, but with few interruptions, since the beginning of the French war in the year 1754.


Ohio Genealogy



Battle of Piqua




City Charter

County Politics and Roster of Officers


Early Clark County

George Rogers Clark

Clark-Shawnee Centennial

Education in Clark County

Ghost Towns

Indians in Clark County

Pioneers and Pioneer Days

Simon Kenton

Military History


The National Road


The Old Northwest




Springfield in 1852

Springfield in 1859

Springfield in 1863

Springfield in 1868

Springfield History

SHS 1951 Yearbook

State and County Government

Then & Now

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